Transformational Breath for Children - With Ece and Demet - NEW DATES ARE COMING SOON!
Transformational Breath for Children - With Ece and Demet - NEW DATES ARE COMING SOON!
Transformational Breath for Children - With Ece and Demet - NEW DATES ARE COMING SOON!

Transformational Breath for Children - With Ece and Demet - NEW DATES ARE COMING SOON!

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“Did You Know? Screens Are Impacting Your Child’s Breathing!”

Did you know that children often hold their breath while playing on tablets and phones? This unconscious habit, known as “screen apnea,” can disrupt healthy breathing patterns and affect their overall well-being.

Join our Children’s Transformational Breath Workshop to help your child:
🌟 Relearn healthy breathing habits
🌟 Improve focus and emotional balance
🌟 Cultivate relaxation and mindfulness

Through fun and interactive breathing exercises, your child will learn tools to counter the negative effects of screen time and build a foundation for lifelong wellness.

Let’s help our kids breathe better and feel better!


Transformational Breath is an effective tool that uses diaphragmatic breathing to
transform restricted breathing patterns for well-being.

This is a very powerful tool that empowers children in manoeuvring their emotions. It
gives them the chance to be who they really are all through their lives.
When you look at new-borns, you see their tummy rise when they inhale; this is the
manifestation that a proper breathing is happening through the use of the diaphragm
muscle which is the most important muscle that, by expanding, creates more space in
the lungs to take more oxygen (the fuel of our body) in our system.

Diaphragmatic breathing maintains a healthy body and healthy mind for several
reasons; 70% of oxygen goes to the brain when we inhale; most of the `sick cells`
cannot exist in an oxygenated environment; the defence mechanism of human body is
supported by oxygen; and many many more. Transformational Breath is there to
establish diaphragmatic breathing permanently and as a matter of fact it supports
mental and physical health simultaneously.

As to how and why Transformational Breath is essential for children, we can start by
stating the fact that we give the young all kinds of fundamental survival information in
early ages like brushing their teeth, hygienic personal care, how to behave in society yet
almost none of the young are given proper instructions as how to breathe well and
importance of all the benefits of breathing.

When we are able to give them this tool early, they will have the awareness of the
importance of conscious breathing to move forward in life. This gives them a head start
and so many advantages. Everybody should be trained in breath awareness and
integration as early as possible, and that is actually part of our job.

In this time period we are living technology prevails as an inseparable part of our lives,
unfortunately much more in children`s lives. They use more technological devices and
as we all observe while learning or playing they unconsciously hold their breath and it
creates more blockages in their system and cut the flow of breath; cut diaphragmatic

Why should young breathe the Transformational Breath?
If they had Transformational Breath as children they could keep their physical body
healthy and cleansed, their energy and expression can be balanced, and they could
have a powerful tool to be emotionally clear, and learn how to manage their emotions.

In most of the cases where a child appears to be `problematic` or could not be in `healthy` interaction with peers, the `problem happens to be the child`s innocent lack of
knowledge for how to deal with emotions.

The moment we start our existence as human beings, we interact with the world, face
learning experiences, challenges, and disappointments, experience a wide range of emotions. In this process of getting to know the world, we find ourselves in difficult
situations, they are hard to comprehend and face for a little person. Here is where the
process which allows emotions and memories to be stored and creates restricted
breathing patterns starts. The sooner we start promotion of emotional integration of
these experiences the less we will have to work in our lives to keep them repressed.
When the young people use Transformational Breath they are given a tool to stop the
cycle of repression, to be free to have different learning experiences. They can now be
fully present in life with joy.

Transformational Breath© will allow them to find their center again, allowing them to
who they are and allowing them to healthy interactions with the world without any
compromise from their authentic selves.

As Transformational Breath© Facilitators, our foremost aim is to reach out to as many
children as possible as to be a contribution to much healthier generations.

Let’s help our kids breathe better and feel better!


Meet Your Facilitators:

Ece Aksungur, Certified Transformational Breath Group Leader

I’m Ece, and I’ve been part of the Transformational Breath Family since 2012, now proudly a Certified Group Leader. My journey began with a deep desire to share this powerful healing practice with others, and along the way, I realized it was also a path to my true self. Connecting with my breath has brought me a life of awareness and liberation.

I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to guide others in their quest for authenticity and witness their transformation into their truest selves.


Demet Ergin Boran, Certified Transformational Breath Group Leader.

I’m Demet, and my journey began 12 years ago with a special session I gifted myself on my birthday. Since then, it has continued with joy and excitement. Along the way, I’ve enriched my path by becoming a Transformational Breath® Group Leader, a Points of You® Practitioner, a Trainer of Children of the Light, and so much more.

Through all these experiences, I’ve discovered the profound layers within each human existence. I believe in the power of connecting with oneself through breath, listening deeply, and ultimately following the heart. My mission is to remind those who feel loss of their inner light.

I’m deeply honoured, grateful, and passionate about the work I do. I truly love what I do.

📆 Dates: Saturday, February 15th

⏰ Time: 1:30pm - 3pm 

📍 Location: 928 Kingston Rd. Toronto, ON




Instagram: @ece.aksungur1


Instagram: @miraclesofbreath