Lunar Yoga - 4 week series - with Danielle 🌙 NEW DATES COMING SOON
Lunar Yoga - 4 week series - with Danielle 🌙 NEW DATES COMING SOON
Lunar Yoga - 4 week series - with Danielle 🌙 NEW DATES COMING SOON
Lunar Yoga - 4 week series - with Danielle 🌙 NEW DATES COMING SOON

Lunar Yoga - 4 week series - with Danielle 🌙 NEW DATES COMING SOON

Regular price $128.00
Unit price  per 

Lunar Yoga - Wednesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm 


*Please note when you book with our calendar you'll only see the first date, July 10th but your booking is valid for the 4week session!


Discover your natural rhythm through the lens of the lunar cycle and feel more deeply connected to your true nature.  Wayfinding with the moon attunes us to cyclical time and supports our lived experience through   the circular dance of the seasons of our lives.

🌙 This 4 week series draws inspiration from the lunar phases and the lunar zodiac.  Balancing yin and yang, the lunar and solar, action and rest, we will embark on a journey with the rhythm that runs through one full lunar cycle from new moon, waxing first quarter moon, full moon, and waning last quarter moon into Dark Moon.  

With Danielle’s guidance you will learn how to tune into the energy of the moon and harness its power in your day to day life, bringing a greater understanding of your own inner rhythms.  Experience breathwork, and a gentle flow rooted in traditional hatha yoga, guided by the rhythms of nature.  All levels welcome. 


Please bring a yoga mat and dress comfortably. 

🖊 Details:

🗓 Wednesdays July 10|17|24|31 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm 

📍 Location: 928 Kingston rd, Toronto, ON 

💳 Energetic exchange is $128 CAD 

* Please note when you book with our calendar you'll only see the first date, July 10th but your booking is valid for the 4week session!


About Danielle:

As a yoga teacher, meditation guide, and wayfinder with the rhythms of nature;  Danielle holds ceremonial space for the unfolding beauty of life.   Through yoga, sound meditation, lunar women’s circles and lunar charting practices, she creates seasonal offerings inspired by the rhythms of the natural world.  It is through reconnection to the cycles and seasons in nature, and gathering together in community that Danielle believes, enlivens a life of reverence; inspiring creativity and joy, and connection to our inherent gifts.  

When we attune to rhythm of nature we are initiated on a journey to the rewilding of spirit, a map to find our way back to our unique rhythm.  This is the journey towards living in our true expression,  a journey home to ourselves.

Danielle travelled to Guatemala to receive her yoga teacher training and has held a devoted spiritual practice for 7+ years.  She is a mom to three teenagers, a wildcrafter of flower essence and devotee of the moon, she is always up for an adventure, and a good slice of pizza! 

📧 Contact: